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Elder Storytelling and Collaboration

Observing and incorporating the protocol, history and traditions of Indigenous people, students explore stories told by an Indigenous Elder using a combination of art forms. Beginning with a visit from ARTCi's Elder, students continue to build on their knowledge and understanding of traditional and contemporary Indigenous culture by expressing themselves through drama, dance, visual arts, media arts, filmmaking, storytelling, creative writing or all of the above with the expert support of the ARTCI team in the visits that follow.


Reconciliation Through the Arts

One of our Elders shares their story of resiliency as provocation along with some of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee. Our ARTCi team helps to facilitate the process of being an ally by using the arts to create a bridge for dialogue and action. As artists, we model what ReconciliACTION in process looks like through the arts, and engage students in their own diverse creative projects that build empathy and understanding for all.

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Voices: The Great Story Project

Every time, place, person and artifact has a story... a voice. ARTCi’s Voices Project celebrates these stories by encouraging each participant to become its teller. Whatever the topic or subject matter and whether through drama, dance, visual arts (including printmaking), Indigenous arts, media arts, filmmaking, storytelling, creative writing or all of the above, students discover, embrace and share their gifts and abilities as storytellers with our creative team. ARTCi will collaborate with schools or classrooms to develop programs that address school-specific themes and needs and can facilitate a showcase of student success as a finale.

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