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Art Starts Early: ARTCinc in the Classroom

Members of the Artists Rendering Tales Collective Inc. team have kicked off 2018 by partnering with ArtStarts and the Surrey Khalsa School to bring arts infused learning to four classes of eager grade ones! Our program titled, “Focus on First Peoples” allows students and teachers to observe and incorporate the protocol, history and traditions of some of Canada’s Indigenous peoples into their daily regime.

Beginning with a visit from an Elder, students continue to build on their knowledge and understanding of traditional and contemporary Indigenous culture by expressing themselves through drama, dance, visual art, Indigenous art, media arts, filmmaking, storytelling, creative writing or all of the above with the expert support of the ARTCi team.

Respect and joy are key components of this residency. Respect for all cultures, voices and stories and joy in exploring the diverse ways that we develop empathy, understanding and celebration by expressing culture artistically and collaboratively. ARTCi embraces all of principles of their ArtStarts partners by engaging and empowering young people with their artful approach to learning. More information about ARTCi’s school and community arts education programs can be found at

Working with the Khalsa School allows us all to excel as creative leaders, where as Ken Robinson would put it, “our role is not to have all the ideas but to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they’re valued.”

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