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An “App”etizing New Story to SPARK Your Imagination Released!

Lori, one of the writers for ARTCi is happy to announce the launch of a new story, The Eggs-travagant Problem. It is available all over the world to download as a free learning app. and was illustrated by the talented Scot Ritchie!

Produced by Hoda Elatawi and Ken Stewart of GAPC Entertainment for the Council of Ontario Directors of Education, it completely supports learning and literacy on so many levels and integrates technology, math, art and language arts all in one, fun, engaging place! Perfect for those using SPARK in their classrooms or simply for parents and kids who want a little bedtime reading that teaches math in enlivened stories!

A little more on the app.:

“Math Storytime helps parents and caregivers explore simple math concepts with their children through creative storytelling, stunning illustrations, interactive animations, and offers lively discussion ‘bubbles’ to guide parents and caregivers as they engage with their young learners. Stories also feature a “Read to me” function as well as an option for parents and caregivers to record their own story-reading voice.

The objective of the Math Storytime mobile app and web site is to help parents explore simple math concepts with their children (age 5-7) through stories accessible on their tablets or via the web ( We hope that this new resource will engender ongoing conversation about math and connections to math in the child’s world and become a great resource for parents who want to engage their children in math, learning and fun at home.

One of the important features of the app and website will be the option to engage the inspiring, accessible and fun ‘discussion bubble’ function within each story.

It is important to “talk math” with your child every day. These discussion bubbles provide suggestions for you and your child to do and talk about math together and will help you to focus on the content in this story.

The objective of the members of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) is to improve student success at every age level. Development of effective resources is a primary task to assist with student success.

CODE recognizes the importance of mathematics and knows from experience the value of parents engaging with their children and emphasizing the importance of math in everyday activities.” (from the Math Storytime website).

Lori particularly enjoyed this project because some of the characters were inspired by her nephew, niece and her cousin’s daughter, Emilia. We hope you will take advantage of this fabulous site with your young readers!

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