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ARTCi Conquers Adversity With Hope In Latest DAREarts Project

Shelley, Roy, Lori, Mary Jane and Tracie designed and delivered a week long, arts infused program to a group of inner city grade seven students at Britannia Elementary School recently.

Remembrance, a brand new play written by Lori and steeped deep in Canada's historical WW1 stories was performed as a staged reading by professional actors at the beginning of the week. It was used as an inspiration piece to fuel ideas for the theme of the week which was how hope can overcome adversity and how the students, could be these voices of hope for others. Students were fully immersed in the arts all week and worked collaboratively to create dramatic, musical, multi-media and visual art representations of the theme. The results were spectacular.

ARTCi worked in partnership with DAREarts to create this memorable week. Using arts education, DAREarts empowers youth to unlock their potential and become leaders. With courage and confidence, they ignite change in their lives and in their communities. Since 1996, DAREarts has dared over 190,000 young Canadians to see a wider world with hope. DAREarts stands for Discipline, Action, Responsiblity and Excellence.

For the full story on our ARTCi week, visit:

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