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What We've Been Up to...ARTCi's Summer Projects

Roy Mulder

In June, Roy completed an ARTCi video production for the Burnaby School Dancers who created a performance piece on the residential school experience. Roy facilitated bringing in elders and First Nation dancers Gloria and Keith Nahanee to speak to participating students about their residential school experience. This inspiration resulted in a beautifully choreographed dance by the Burnaby School Dancers. The video was screened at Michael J. Fox Theatre and was part of the final performance piece.

Roy had a busy summer as he officially became bi-coastal. He relocated his home base to Nova Scotia and has designed and is building a container home in Ardness. Once completed Roy will facilitate ARTCi East, offering full video and photography support services in the eastern provinces. One of his first projects will be to produce a video documenting the finer details of building a container home. Roy will continue facilitating ARTCi West projects while expanding in the Atlantic region.

Roy is building a container home in Nova Scotia.

Tracie Stewart

Tracie has been spreading her international artistic wings and, this year so far has participated in installations in both the Netherlands and Canada. She will be spending much of October in China as an Artist in Residence.

During the summer Tracie took part in the Toney Onley Artist Project with Island Mountain Arts in Wells BC. Working with Peter Von Tiesenhausen and Diana Thorneycroft, she was inspired to build a functioning coracle, woven out of Willow and paddle it down the Willow River. Thinking of our disconnectedness to the land and our roots, Tracie then planted the coracle in a spot where rooting could take place. Her plan is to continue this project with many sight specific coracles being rooted to the land in hopes of helping us all think about our roots.

Tracie in her coracle on the Willow River.

Tracie was invited by Jeffrey Spalding (Order of Canada for the Arts) and Gordan Novak to participate in a painting residency in Tao Hua Tan, Anhui Province, China. The residency emphasizes the importance of meaningful and multi-layered cultural exchange and immersion into another culture while exploring the link between the traditional and contemporary aspects. Tracie will create three paintings while she is there. The artwork will be shown in China and remain with the residency’s permanent collection. For more information about the residency, see:

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